High Precision Scale

Incorporates high quality load cells.

Multiple weighing units, Gram, carat.

Piece counting facility, up to 25 different types.

Storage of weights in memory and printing up to 100 weights.

Power saving mode.

Bi-directional Rs 232 interface to interface with computers and printers.

Selectable baud rate.

Se point facility up t o2 limits.

Auto power off.

Optional Peak hold facility.

Data and Time facility. Incorporates high quality load cells.

Multiple weighing units, Gram, carat.

Piece counting facility, up to 25 different types.

Storage of weights in memory and printing up to 100 weights.

Power saving mode.

Bi-directional Rs 232 interface to interface with computers and printers.


Selectable baud rate.

Se point facility up t o2 limits.

Auto power off.

Multiple print options with Sr.no, date, time and weight in horizontal / vertical mode.

Automatic zero tracking.

User selectable Tare/Zero mode option with Net/gross facility for minimum use.

Density determination option.

GSM Computation.

% weighing & Calibration.

Weight slip printing option.

Overload & Shock load Protection.

Bright LED Display.

High Bright Green LED display (Optional).

Rechargeable sealed maintenance free battery.

Additional display (optional).

Breeze Shield(Optional).

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